The Crisis of the transition to the knowledge economy!

The Crisis of the transition to the knowledge economy!

Manahel Thabet
Manahel Thabet

For almost a decade, the global landscape has witnessed a profound shift towards a knowledge-based system, mirroring the transition from analog to digital systems in electronic industries. However, this transformation poses a significant crisis in the Arab region, primarily due to the lack of proactive preparation to adapt to this shift and the insufficient infrastructure and data capabilities to keep pace with it.

The challenges associated with the shift towards a knowledge economy in the Arab region become apparent through various indicators, such as the emergence of digital currency and the considerable difficulty in envisioning this transition in the public mindset due to unpreparedness and a lack of readiness to embrace such changes. Weaknesses in internet infrastructure, limited technology utilization, deficiencies in communication structures in certain countries, governance gaps, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and increased intellectual illiteracy further contribute to the complexity of this crisis.

These multifaceted challenges not only hinder progress but also create an environment conducive to the dominance of transcontinental companies, fostering coordinated monopolies that exploit and control the public domain, thereby weakening competition or rendering it seemingly absent.

The absence of effective measures to address these challenges will inevitably lead to congestion in professional and practical sectors, particularly in the Arab region. This, in turn, could precipitate the most significant economic crisis in the history of the Arab world, potentially extending its impact to large parts of other continents. The increasing penetration of automation into daily life, coupled with the lack of advanced preparations in updating basic and academic curricula to align with the global knowledge system, will likely result in unprecedented levels of unemployment and societal depression.

Addressing the crisis of transformation towards a knowledge economy in the Arab region requires a concerted effort and a dedicated commitment to the shift. Recognizing that innovation is an idea whose time has come and understanding the indisputable relationship between knowledge, innovation, production, and economic growth are fundamental to this transition. A holistic approach involves viewing the shift to a knowledge economy as a motivational interplay between education, increased production, and the stimulation of economic growth.

Furthermore, a crucial remedy for economic recession and the transformation crisis lies in motivating and encouraging young individuals to pursue specialized educational paths directly related to technological advancements and the outputs of the knowledge age. This motivation should not only result in a shift towards technology-related disciplines but, more importantly, involve the humanization of educational curricula in these areas. This entails re-engineering and redesigning educational content to align with the age of knowledge, ensuring that humanity remains integral to the educational experience.

In conclusion, the resolution of the crisis requires a comprehensive approach encompassing commitment, understanding, and motivation, particularly among the youth. By fostering an environment that embraces technological education while maintaining a human touch, the Arab region can navigate the challenges of the knowledge economy and position itself for sustainable economic growth. For an in-depth exploration, let us delve into the remaining facets of this transformative paradigm.



Author : د. مناهل ثابت
Published: November 19, 2021
Al Bayan Newspaper

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Manahel Thabet Ph.D. – President participated in the first Economic Leadership Workshop
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