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Elite Member 4g High IQ Society
Exclusive Leading Institute for Thinkers’ Evolution
Member High IQ World
HighIQWorld member Dr. Manahel Thabet (2013 Genius of the Year for Asia)
Eminent Member Elite High IQ Society
Exclusive Leading Institute for Thinkers’ Evolution
Member CIVIQ High IQ Society
1st member society of the World Intelligence Network (WIN)
Member HELLIQ High IQ Society
The 2nd member society of the World Intelligence Network (WIN)
Member GRIQ High IQ Society
The 25th member society of the World Intelligence Network (WIN)
Member This High IQ Society
The High Intellect Society (THIS) THIS High IQ Society
Member ISNR
The International Society For Neuroregulation & Research
Member QIQ High IQ Society
A world of exciting social, cultural and intellectual opportunities