Trans-planetary Trade!

Trans-planetary Trade!

Manahel Thabet
Manahel Thabet

If we are going to talk about the future, talking about globalization with future considerations is like talking about setting fire to two stones; the context we are going to talk about is the context of trans-planetary trade.

A new term assumes universality rather than globalization, which was a concern for humanity, so before many inventions in transportation, mobility and energy resources used to facilitate trade, transport, export, import and supply things everywhere in the world, and instead of talking about the world being nothing more than a small village to which globalization has been created, the idea will change to the fact that the universe is only a small village.

During the last few decades of the world, there has been a major boom in technological industries, but it was not the result of these moments, but the result of accumulated human experience and knowledge, which continued to evolve from the first innovation created by human need, until it reached the space invasion industries.

It should also be noted, with future considerations, that the belief that the universe is only a context in which human development and human life are studied and will be nullified by the space-related discoveries of the future that have just begun, i.e., we are on the threshold of a new phase of human knowledge, with one related to the other.

But it is not at the human level, but on a cosmic level. It may be human and may be something else entirely, that is, we are discovering new lives of new beings that man is not familiar with, and who have always been spared knowledge as a natural consequence of his preoccupation with the narrow boundaries of human cognitive sense.

In the past few years, there have been two concerns that dominate global media awareness, the most important thing to note in the context of daily news, and in the context of government considerations of the world’s most important and powerful nations, namely, the invasion of space and visits to the Red Planet, and the other, the monitoring of alien organisms and seemingly space particles in the planet’s atmospheric orbits.
By connecting them, we discover that the human being is not the only one in this universe with mental abilities to control the rest of the creatures that exist, and if his superiority, because of his intelligence, has been allowed to lead on the planet, it may not be achieved at the cosmic level if there are other beings, with the other uses that they have.

Without a doubt, based on the recent idea of peace and exchange of interests, the fields of trans-planetary industries and commerce must flourish. It is the cosmic trade that may also open new horizons, not only for the human being, but also for all beings in the universe, so that the new future obsession will be the invasion of other universes and here we will be thinking in the manner of the relativity theory and multiple universes presented by physicist Einstein.

The space world is a reality, its existence and its absence depend on its measurement, and this is what we are talking about here, and perhaps the most important tools that man must have to change the current cognitive state is not knowledge per se, but the imagination that makes the knowledge designed by fiction accessible and usable. After clarifying some features of the future that began with explorations into space and exploring what it contains, there will be creative theories and literature that will necessarily speak of universality in turn, just as innovations to talk about globalization have been formulated today.
Among other things, there will be a context to be talked about, that is, the context of trans-planetary trade, the strength of the future economy, of humanity and of the others living there. And to talk the rest.

Author : Manahel Thabet
Published June 18, 2021
Al Bayan Newspaper

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Manahel Thabet Ph.D. – President participated in the first Economic Leadership Workshop
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