The Foundations of Building Knowledge Systems

The Foundations of Building Knowledge Systems


Many thinkers and philosophers have long spoken of the importance of science and the power of knowledge in the transformations that humanity has undergone in its crucial stages of transition.

Nearly four centuries ago, Francis Bacon wrote that “knowledge is power”. From time to time, this power has been constantly transformed, as required by the civilized development of human societies.

Just as military power dominated the agricultural age, economic power was crucial in the age of industry and the power of knowledge is no different now with technological applications and modernity dominant in the age of the knowledge and information society.

As we can see, there is a clear increase in the role of the information industry as the cornerstone of the building of modern economies, in which the place of knowledge activities is enhanced to take on the most sensitive and influential places in the social production system.

At the top of these priorities are decisive increases in spending to promote the production and dissemination of knowledge, particularly in the areas of education, at various stages, and scientific research in its centres and budgets, as well as human capacity-building strategies, including the preparation of experts and researchers, the promotion of innovation, patents, and the protection of the outstanding.

Foundations had to be laid to build knowledge systems with creativity, talent, creative ideas, and innovation, which had been paved by the knowledge-building theory, initiated and developed by Carl Bereiter and Marilyn Scardamalia, to describe what it takes for the educated community to achieve in creating knowledge, and the theory addresses the need to educate people in order to prepare them for the age of the knowledge society, in which knowledge and creativity permeate.

Building knowledge into the process of creating new knowledge products is the result of general objectives, group discussions and the compilation of ideas, which will improve the existing understanding of individuals within the community beyond their initial level of knowledge, as well as direct them towards greater knowledge of known information about a topic or idea.

The theory “combines basic learning, sub-skills and socio-cognitive dynamics that are prepared for other methods, as well as the additional advantage of moving on the road to full education.”

Building knowledge may be defined as “creating, selecting and improving conceptual products, not only in education but also in the work of creative knowledge of all kinds.”

In her 2002 article on collective cognitive responsibility for the advancement of knowledge, Scardamalia proposes 12 principles for building knowledge.

Those principles and foundations for building knowledge systems highlight real ideas and real problems in the classroom — as a knowledge-building society — because learners are interested in understanding, which is based on their real-world problems. Another principle is improvable ideas, where students’ ideas are considered improvable. The importance of diversity of ideas then arises.

Through the continuous improvement and understanding of ideas, advancement is produced as learners create high-level concepts and the cognitive process, so students find their way forward. Then the collective responsibility of the knowledge society means participating in the improvement of collective knowledge, which is the primary purpose of learning to build knowledge, also democratizing knowledge.

All individuals are invited to contribute to the progress of knowledge. There is no doubt that the progress of homogenous knowledge is achieved by making individuals and organizations actively work to achieve mutual progress towards their ultimate level of knowledge and this is at the heart of the foundations and objectives of knowledge-building societies. It must be understood that knowledge-building is pervasive as learners contribute to building collective knowledge.

Structural uses of reliable sources, i.e., research as a natural method, reinforce understanding. One of the foundations is that talking and sharing knowledge leads to knowledge-building and improving its progress. Finally, a simultaneous calendar capable of transforming depends on determining the level of understanding, then determining how to evaluate, which is followed by creativity and participation in evaluations in various ways.

On these foundations, it is automatically transformed into a stage of creativity and innovation that ends with a huge knowledge economy at all levels.

Innovation policy is a government tool aimed at increasing the pace of innovation in any economy and solving various social and economic problems, such as low levels of productivity, economic topics related to energy, the environment, or health.

Indicators are needed to measure creativity and innovation, so the UAE has adopted its own tools to measure innovation, such as the Abu Dhabi Innovation Index, which aims to measure its progress in this field and achieve its economic vision for 2030, and which stimulates innovation towards a sustainable knowledge-based economy. And to talk the rest

Author : Manahel Thabet
Published November 27, 2018
Al Bayan Newspaper

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